Disjointed Discourse Disassociated from Despair
Or, I’ve gotta vent, and I’m feeling today’s a good day.
Dr. Who’s been on space channel all day, like ALL DAY. God’s I’ve missed Dr. Who. I really really have. I even tried to write some Timelord Fan Fiction for a bit. You can find that HERE.
At the same time, it’s Sunday, the kids are at Grandma’s for a little bit, and the baby’s still sleeping for a short period. Not sure why but she’s still out so we’re going to make the most of it, thus I’m here, talking to you lot.
There’s so much to talk about. NaNoWriMo is coming. It’s 25 days away by my count.
So Is Halloween. Five kids, and a wife who is enraptured with all things fall, Halloween is coming.
- HAH! I just figured out why I wasn’t comfortable with the Timelord fanfic. I started it in the wrong spot, and without the right feel for the period I dropped him in.
I’ve been feeling out of sorts about not having done any writing and posting, and that I’ve not gotten anything outside of being a generally supportive father and husband done.
That didn't’ make much sense. Well the title did say disjointed.
So, who’s doing NaNoWriMo with me? I can be found at:
What else did I want to talk about?
Right, it’s time to go pick up the kids, and get stuff for pan seared shrimp and linguine Alfredo with Ceasar salad.
Did I mention that life is Chaos, and I’m just surfing the madness. Thanks for bearing with me, I need to get back to doing things that earn money and feed kids, like cooking dinner and posting invoices… probably in that order, but first, to chill the red wine and get the stuff for dinner from the market.
Unto the breach, chaos awaits. And Lady Chaos will be home around dinner time so I’d best have that ready for her when she gets in.