Member-only story
Don’t look Backwards, you’re not going that way.
In writing, in life, in horror films, backwards is not where we are going.
There be monsters back there.^Usually of our own making.^
I’ve been collecting things for a book I’m egotistically thinking of putting together.
How arrogant is it of an inept and bumbling wordsmith to think that his own ramblings are worthy of collection into a manuscript for the masses to consume?
Well, enough about that. There’s bigger hurdles to surmount than my own hubris.
So what’s my point dude?
The point I was hoping to make here was about your work that has gone before. Medium, by it’s very nature, is much like any other social media platform in that new content is needed to keep the scroll moving and the attendants focused (or in this case, reading).
To that end, we all need to keep posting.
But, as many have found out, without the constant push to our stuff by us, from our social media platforms, the performance of any given post is limited to days, weeks at best for some stellar performers. Now, if you’re curated (I’ve never been, but I know why that is, so no biggie), the reach is a little better, the performance a little higher.