Member-only story
How to go about finding your writing voice, from the trenches.
There are more articles online about finding your writing voice than I could list in a week, and then if you hit up your local library there’s even more books than that available. Hell, a quick search on Amazon for “finding your writers voice” shows 23 hits in the first search phrase parameters, see?
See what I mean. I pushed three or four other less specific queries and got even more related titles hitting the search results. But do any of these actually help?
I personally found that Jeff Goins’ posts helped quite a bit to allow me to clarify what I was thinking, and cleared out the noise as it were. The questions thus remained, what was my writing voice; who were my target audience; and what was a trying to say?
Who Are You Really?
Have you ever asked yourself that question? Without going into a stupid amount of detail, who are you? If you wander blind into this mess of online business, online writing and specifically self-publishing your own work for profit (build an audience, sell books or suchlike, and earn coin), then you are going to most likely end up doing everything I did, wrong, and overwhelming. I have been claiming to be an author, a writer, for nigh on ten years at this point. I started…