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ODAT January 24, 2024 — A Fire With Nothing To Burn, Dies.
Lessons in life from parenting a fire child.
Today is the day it all starts again, somewhat anyhow. See, we’re buying a home in the next few weeks, the crazy part is mostly done, now it’s time to sit back and try not to go nuts with waiting and anxiety and stress. But back to analogy, fire is a scary thing, unless it’s under your control, usually.
Today’s reading is more about framing our understanding than about campfires or anything like it, but analogy’s are helpful to those of us trying to engage with a narrative and a story. In essence, fire will only burn with a fuel to burn and an environment in which to do so, in other words, combustible material and enough free oxygen to support combustion. Fire, with none of these, will die. Fire missing only one of these, will die. Don’t believe me? Try lighting a candle, then put an inverted glass over it, how long will it stay lit? When the oxygen is gone, the flame goes out, simple science.
Quick and Simple Disclaimer: The readings in this post are literally taken wholesale out of the book entitled One Day at a Time In Al-Anon. You can find it at Amazon, E-Bay or . The portion entitled Alleged Insight, well that mess is all me.
If you’re an introvert, go buy the book, if you’re a broke…