Stolen Moments
Or, how the hell an introvert stays sane in a house full of chaos?!
A poem of sorts, as good as I ever do them, with a dedicated picture just for you.
A stolen moment
The chaos stopped.
Sitting here,
outside the shop
Waiting 'til
we move again
A moment just
'Tween now and then.
The days they blur
One to the next.
And chaos rules
The toddlers rest.
The baby sleeps
Lightly or not
It almost feels
like evil plots
To break my soul
Relentless noise
From baby girl
And chaos boys.
Moderate relief
A moment’s peace
A stolen space
A new life lease.
Parenting is challenging, no question. Five kids from 11 down to 1 makes it even more insane. Introverts need quiet moments. I am one such. So to survive,I end up stealing moments like this one. This poem took me three sittings of stolen moments to finish. Keep in the moment out there all you introverts and know that life is worth it even when Chaos Reigns Supreme.