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How in the hell am I going to get this done? Oh, right, the steps…
Let’s try POE
No, not Edgar Allen Poe, although at times his poetry is moving and merited, other times it’s just dark and weird.
I get it, you’re probably even busier than I am with my five kids and two full time jobs, but life is about choices, and I’ve made mine, even if some days I feel like a madman.
Everything takes time, naturally.
Wealthy Affiliate is like everything else in that it takes time to dedicate to stuff. It’s important to do it, but is it more imoprtant than the screaming hungry newly walking baby?
Is it more important than Sleep?
Is it more important that the next show/season in that series you’re binge watching on Netflix or other streaming media of choice?
Chose Creativity
Yeah, you heard me. Make something.
Consuming or passivly watching something is relaxing, but to get your life energized, create..
If you draw, great.